Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Follow Me!!!!!!

Please become a follower.... that way I know who is reading, and then I don't have to make this private!


  1. we're following the leader... the leader.. the leader... we're following the leader... wherever he may go. we're off to fight the indians... haha sorry. Nellie is following but don't think I can become a follower cause I don't have a profile. Happy Valentine's Day yesterday.

  2. Nellie is reading but doesn't have a profile so I don't think I can become a follower. Happy Valentine's Day yesterday.

  3. Hi - I know you can see that I'm following your blog, but I wanted you to know that I served in Mongolia with SamDodini - that's how I came across your blog - which is really like fate because I LOVE "Peter Pan." PS - I get to see it live on Friday! WEE!

  4. I also am a follower but don't have a profile and therefore cannot become a follower. I do love you though! I miss your face cara!



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