Just a quickie update.
So is just great. Long hours and tedious work.. but still good. We are getting into all the fun stuff about now!
So Friday morning I took a quick drive down to home. You know.. just a quick 10 hours.
I spent a little time with the fam and then continued to hop into another car and drive up to the lake for a camping trip.
It was worth it because I so totally got up waking boarding like 4 times. Yeah that's right. I am just hoping that lasts until next summer!! Then I'll be too legit to quit.
I missed my Marina and Megann so much and it was great to have some good girl time when we got left on the shore.
It was also fun to see Jared, Brian and Nate. I missed them too.. but at some points the reunion seemed a little off for us. Maybe because I was so tired... maybe because 2 months is a long time in boy hours. Who knows?
At home.... I am not doing so well at the "being present" thing. But my trip has given me a new drive to do so. It's movin' on time I believe. SO I'd better get to it huh?
First up... make new friends!!!! My ward is a little barren at the moment. I propose attending new wards. THAT"S IT! IT WILL BE DONE!
But thank goodness for my roommates. They are a hoot and I love 'em. Love 'em to death. WE laugh at a lot, and I mean A LOT. It's not quite up to the standard of a Marina and I laugh... but it is sufficient for the time being.
Well I cut all my hair off. yes.. almost like Peter Pan which I've always wanted. This is as close as I will ever get I think. To celebrate this accomplishment, I will be portraying Peter Pan for Halloween again. This time I will actually look like a little boy... almost. We'll see.
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